Picture of the day.

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Not to be negative or anything, but that doesn't look like something that limped home, it still has the drop tanks and the left wing just yells "Not Flight Worthy".

The damage looks more like a ramp collision, kinda' like some other ship ran into it. Are you sure about the caption? Just asking.

Yes a ramp collision by 88399 a week after the events mentioned.
Well tbh i kinda did think the same. I mean ive seen some badly shot up ac before but this really does look a little too far gone to be flyable. I will check the source properly...

And now the link to the page i pulled it from has suddenly vanished. Sorry guys, the source seemed to be legit, but obviously not. I must admit i had my doubts with the amount of damage the ac has but that was the caption they used. I'll try looking up the airman who supposedly flew this plane. Im sure it will solve this. Why do people just make up false captions about pics. I just dont understand what they get from doing it. Idk, there sure are some weird folks out there....

Now that seems more plausible, a ramp collision. Thanks for the correction milosh
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