Picture of the day.

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Don Quixote and Sancho Panza?


the pic source:the Internet.
the pic source: Bundesarchiv.
View attachment 530288
Interesting shot. But it looks a little to "posed". No mud on the boots, the uniforms are spotless, the top GI still has the 1911 conveniently gripped in his hand. Not to mention a clear color shot of a random battle scene. Thinking a good recreation (what ever the term is for a modern day reenactment of a past event/scenario is) here. Am I wrong?
But it looks a little to "posed". No mud on the boots, the uniforms are spotless, the top GI still has the 1911 conveniently gripped in his hand.
And wearing WWI style "puttees" instead of combat boots, and isn't that a bolt action '03 or '17 rifle, and isn't that tank jack kind of poorly placed to impede vehicular traffic?
The US went ashore in operation Torch with leggins and shoes, with o3s but I don't think German medics were there. And I don't think the German helmet covers were camo pattern yet.
The Buccaneer was pushed over the side for an instructional movie. The A number is the instructional airframe number.
We were shown that video during our training. If I recall the main theme was teamwork and ensuring not assuming that one task is complete before starting the next. In this case chocks, brakes and releasing the tow.
She is an S1 Buccaneer that was given a modern paint job.

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