Picture of the day. (2 Viewers)

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USS Columbia.jpg

Bombardment of Buka Airfield, Buka Island in the Solomons from the light cruiser USS Colombia's 6-in guns. 1 Nov 1943. On this date 76 years ago. No photo credit given.
Tiger Tank.jpg

German heavy tank PzKpfw VI Tiger I №121 from the 101st SS Heavy Tank Battalion, which was destroyed by Allied aircraft in Villers-Bocage, Normandy, shortly after the famous battle when several Tiger I heavy tanks crushed a British armored column, and one Michael Wittmann destroyed 11 tanks, two anti-tank guns and 13 armored personnel carriers. June 1944. No photo credit available.
B17s in Russia.jpg

Repair of the landing gear of the Boeing B 17e Flying Fortress from the US technical personnel.

B-17 Flying Fortress bomber based on the territory of Ukraine. 169th Air Base special purpose Poltava airfield 1944.

1943, the US government asked Joseph Stalin allow Heavy Bombers US Air Force fly over Soviet territory to bomb targets in eastern Germany and the Balkans, so they do not go back to England or Italy. In early 1944, the Soviet Union has allocated for this flight three fields in Ukraine in Poltava region: Poltava, Mirgorod and Piryatin (Poltava airfield complex, 169th Airbase of special purpose). Airfields were covered by Soviet air defense aircraft on airfields themselves everything was organized at the highest level.
No photo credit available.

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