Picture of the day. (5 Viewers)

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On this day 75 years ago, March 12 1945; Anne Frank dies of typhus at the age of 15 in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Disease is sweeping through the camp, killing the starved and weakened inmates with an efficiency that the Nazis might envy. Frank is notable because of the diary she kept of her experiences of hiding from the Nazis in Amsterdam. She spent two years hiding with her family in Amsterdam before being betrayed to the Gestapo and deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau last August. Later she was moved on to Belsen. She hid her diary, to which she confided her deepest thoughts, in Amsterdam; it is a document of human dignity and hope in the face of relentless persecution. In 1947 her father found and published her diary as "The Diary of a Young Girl" which would be read by millions of people.

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A view of Sunderland Mk III ML839 of No 10 Squadron RAAF, experimentally fitted with Pratt and Whitney Twin Wasps, May 1944. The engines proved a success, and were subsequently fitted to all Sunderland Mk Vs. ASV aerials are clearly visible, but later Mk IIIs and all Mk Vs were fitted with centimetric radar, the scanners neatly enclosed in streamlined randomes below the outer wing panels. Note too how the aircraft's top surfaces are faded and weathered from months of duty over the Atlantic. No photo credit available.

Is it just me, or does it look like the engines are mounted in such a way as to attempt to pull the plane apart? They look to be canted outward.

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