Picture of the day.

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Crash of F6F-3 Hellcat (BuNo 08904) after tail hook caught on end of flight deck of USS Cowpens (CVL-25), sending it over the port side, 6 October 1943. Aviator was Ensign Elden Robert Arms, who was returning from a Combat Air Patrol. A destroyer was dispatched immediately to effect rescue, but was unable to find the pilot.

DUKW amphibious trucks of the British 21st Army Group lined up ready for loading onto tank landing ships at a south coast port, England, June 1944.

Not 100% certain, but this photo might be at Felixtowe as it looks like the rear of the Marine Aircraft & Armaments Experimental Establishment hangar there. if you look carefully you can see a Catalina inside the hangar.
German teacher conducts her first lesson in a classroom at the first public school to be opened by the U.S. military government, Aachen, Germany, June 6, 1945.

The girl on the extreme right looking at the camera: "Ugh, we're not going to talk about the Nazis again, are we..."
Wasn't the bow of the Kentucky grafted onto the Wisconsin?

Yup, that's right. On 6 May 1956 the Wisconsin collided with the destroyer escort USS Eaton and sank it, so the Kentucky's bow was removed and grafted onto the Wisconsin. The Kentucky was finally stricken from the Navy List in 1958 with its hull 73 percent complete. Its propulsion machinery was put in the replenishment ships Sacramento and Camden.

The Commander of the 2nd Belorussian Front, Marshal K Rokossovsky is invested as a Knight Commander of the British Empire by the Commander of the 21st Army Group, Field Marshal Sir Bernard Montgomery at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.

Photo looking north along what used to be named Hermann Goringstrasse, with the Brandenburg Gate out of the picture to the right of the photo, in line with the ruined buildings. Behind the Russian soldiers is the burnt out Reichstag, with Albert Speer's Armaments Ministry building behind the crouched photographers.

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