Picture of the day.

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They were treated just as badly as the German prisoners taken by the Soviets. Von Paulus lived in luxury while the troops he surrendered were systematically mistreated and killed in Gulags with maybe 5000 returning home in the 1950s. No wonder he retired in East Germany. In the west, someone would have shot him.
Did those Japanese troops surrender before the IJA agreed to comply with the Potsdam Agreement?

Japanese troops was riveting the Soviet troops near the border till August 15 when Lt. Colonel Ryuzo Sezima brought the cease fire order from Tokyo.
If interested in more details, here is a very good novel written by Toyoko Yamazaki in the 1970s.

The Barren Zone
The story of a Japanese army officer who survived many years in the hell of Siberian prisoner-of-war camps, only to be finally repatriated to an unfamiliar Japan on its rise from postwar desolation into frenzied economic expansion.
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