Pictures of Cold War aircraft. (1 Viewer)

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NameCountryServiceAircraft FlownVictoriesNotes
James Denton[16] United StatesAir ForceEF-1111Captain James Denton was the pilot of an unarmed EF-111 when he came under attack from an Iraqi Mirage F1 fighter. After evading several missiles fired at them, Denton managed to goad the Iraqi pilot into low altitude maneuvering whereupon the Iraqi fighter crashed.[17] Denton and his electronic warfare officer Captain Brent Brandon were both awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for their achievement.[18] The Smithsonian Channel in 2021-22 researched the EF-111 / F-1 low-altitude engagement and subsequently produced and aired in May 2022 the EF-111 Raven's encounter with the Mirage F-1EQ.[19]

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