Pirates kill 4 Americans

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Feb 17, 2010
Lakeview, AR
NAIROBI, Kenya — Four Americans taken hostage by Somali pirates off East Africa were shot and killed by their captors Tuesday, the U.S. military said, marking the first time U.S. citizens have been killed in a wave of pirate attacks plaguing the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean for years.

U.S. naval forces who were trailing the Americans' captured yacht with four warships quickly boarded the vessel after hearing the gunfire. They tried to provide lifesaving care to the Americans, but they died of their wounds, U.S. Central Command in Tampa, Florida said in a statement.

A member of a U.S. special operations force killed one of the pirates with a knife as he went inside of the yacht, said Vice Adm. Mark Fox, commander of U.S. naval forces for Central Command.

Fox said in a televised briefing that the violence on Tuesday started when a rocket-propelled grenade was fired from the yacht at the USS Sterett, a guided-missile destroyer 600 yards (meters) away. The RPG missed and almost immediately afterward small arms fire was heard coming from the yacht, Fox said.

President Barack Obama, who was notified about the deaths at 4:42 a.m. Washington time, had authorized the military on Saturday to use force in case of an imminent threat to the hostages, said White House spokesman Jay Carney.

A total of two pirates, including the one who was knifed, died during the ensuing confrontation — which happened around 9 a.m. East Africa time — and 13 were captured and detained, the Central Command said. The remains of two other pirates who were already dead for some time were also found. The U.S. military didn't state how those two died. It was unclear if the pirates had fought among themselves.

Negotiations had been under way to try to win the release of the two couples on the pirated vessel Quest when the gunfire was heard, the U.S. military said. Fox, asked by reporters about the nature of the negotiations, said he had no details.

He identified the slain Americans as Jean and Scott Adam, of Marina del Rey near Los Angeles, and Phyllis Macay and Bob Riggle, of Seattle, Washington.
13 pirates captured and detained. Why? None of them deserve to be detained. They should have been thrown overboard with their legs cut and bleeding to attract sharks.
Because we're the NICE guys. However they will probably receive a long prison term, three squares per day, warm bunk, TV, etc. at tax payer expense. A higher standard of living than what they now have in their own country
Not taking prisoners might seem like a good idea at first, but think about going up against someone who knows he's fighting to the death, you might take more loses yourself.

I know several on this forum are combat veterans, and taking prisoners sometimes is hard to stomach, especially when they've just killed some of your own.

When they want to surrender, let them, not because we're the good guys, but because it's the best policy in the long run. Then sometimes there is the possibility of getting some useful information from prisoners.
Traditionally, they hung pirates (or worse) and it might not be a bad idea to bring that old tradition back...

Every time these asshats head out to sea to commit more of thier idiocy, they'd have to pass the breakwater gallows where all of thier buddies are dangling, the gulls picking away at thier rotting corpses...

Might make 'em think twice before ending up the same way...
Tyro - I do understand where you are coming from but once they had killed the Americans, in cold blood, there was simply no reason to keep them alive. I have also seen people pretending to surrender until you got close along with women and children being "friendly" until - because the world knows we're the good and nice guys. Unless you've been there the mind set is difficult to comprehend
Well, I have been there. The same war as you.

True, some of the pirates were hung as soon as they were captured, but some got trials, and then hung.
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more action please ............ from the navies of the world, shoot on sight, no more of this crap for fear of entering this sea worthy space.
Couple of observations:

1. Why were these Americans (hard to call them idiots, out of respect for the dead, but still...) out sailing in KNOWN pirate-infested waters?

2. Give the SF guy that shivved the pirate a case of beer and two free passes to the local boom-boom joint! 'Course, some douchebag looking for TV-time here in the states will probably start screaming that he violated the pirate's rights....

3. Unless they were under strict orders to bring back as many prisoners as possible, why did the SF guys bring so many back? Yes...we're the good guys. But sometimes being "too good" gets you nothing but steamrolled by those who don't care.

4. I hope the trial for the surviving pirates is short, and they're released, alive and unharmed, afterwards. I'd say....150 miles from the nearest point of land. Yeah. That should do it.

5. Why did our forces have to wait until 4 US citizens were killed before they were issued an authorization "to use force in case of an imminent threat to the hostages"? Seeing what has happened to the citizens of other countries/allies, why did we have to wait so long to do the common-sense thing and stand up for ourselves, and our allies? Not trying to start a political debate here....it just seems to me that after the Maersk Alabama we would've taken them seriously.

BTW, just found this little tidbit, a statement made by a pirate:
Killing hostages "has now become part of our rules," said a pirate who identified himself as Muse Abdi. He referred as a turning point to last week's sentencing of a pirate to 33 years in prison for the 2009 attack on the U.S. cargo vessel the Maersk Alabama — just two days before the hijacking.

"From now on, anyone who tries to rescue the hostages in our hands will only collect dead bodies," Abdi said. "It will never, ever happen that hostages are rescued and we are hauled to prison." 4 American hostages killed by pirates off Somalia - Yahoo! News
That, to me, sounds like a challenge. Gloves are off, send in the SEALS.
"From now on, anyone who tries to rescue the hostages in our hands will only collect dead bodies," Abdi said. "It will never, ever happen that hostages are rescued and we are hauled to prison."

That RA says from here on out just blow the ship with a 5" round and call it quits the hostages are already dead.
RA, As I understand it they (Americans) were missionaries who had been delivering Bibles up and down the coast to small villages. Our forces waited and negotiated because the pirates had been in the business not of killing but of ransoming hostages so the threat had been of the ship reaching land and the American disappearing into the interior not of them being murdered.
Tyrod, apologies brother, I've just seen too many friends killed being nice to some young kid, girl, or grandmother.
Was an interview on TV with some young Somali kid who basically hired on to be a pirate much as one of our kids would get a job at Wal-mart. The interviewer stated that pirating is a 200 - 300 million dollar a year business in Somalia.
Time to cut into their profit margin by raising the cost to do business
Two things here...first off, it wasn't the SF oper's fault that the dumbass attacked the knife with his neck, he should have known better! It's a good thing the knife took the brunt of the attack.

Secondly, I'm still all for the sub idea...run at periscope depth, looking for the mother ships, make contact and wait for the motor launches to go out. Shadow them (the motor launches) a ways and silently come up and take 'em out...scatter their remains and then slide back under quietly...no fan-fare, no press...nothing....they're just gone *poof*

Once word starts getting around that thier numbers are dwindling without a trace, I'm willing to bet it wouldn't seem so exciting and profitable to be a pirate anymore...

And of course, stretch any necks of the ones they do catch alive.

Also just had an idea...the Germans ran surface raiders in WWII disguised as Merchantmen...why can't they get a few gunboats out there disguised as private boats...when the skinnies go to make thier moves, drop the sides (or whatever) and let fly with some fun stuff...just a thought.
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And of course, stretch any necks of the ones they do catch alive

With a rope soaked in pigs blood of course.Who was it Gen Pershing(?) in the S.Pacific having some problems with some Muslims back in the early part of the 20th century.Soaked the bullets in pigs blood killed all but one let him go back and tell his brother'n what happened :twisted: frickin skinnys:evil:
hmmmmmmmmmmm maybe another opportunity to investigate the useage of air drones ?

death to pirates

You know what I thought would be nice is to pull out the New Jersey park her off the coast and pound the u-know -what out of the coast line.I heard tonight these skinny's are building nice houses and driving Mercedes with the ransom money right along the coast :D.
I like Grau's idea about using subs or tasking some satellites over the area.
Or how about an idea from WWII when the Germans used "Commerce Raiders", i.e. ships that looked like freighters but carried armament. Or a nice looking yacht with a seal team on board and a Sub shadow. Lure the SOBs out and pirate the pirates
Yeah, the idea of a Surface Raider disguised as a light freighter would be ideal. As soon as the asshats get within optimal range, drop the sides of the "cargo", exposing the Phalanx turrets (or similiar) and turn them into pink mist and an expanding debris field.

Button everything up and sail away for more fun and adventure...

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