Plane A vs. Plane A

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Senior Airman
Oct 28, 2007
Was there ever an incident in WW2 (or any other war) where an aircraft fought another aircraft of the same type? Something like a Finnish P-36 fighting a British P-36. Did a plan ever fight itself?
When Hitler invaded Yugoslavia, the Royal Yugoslav Air Force were using Bf 109Es against the Luftwaffe.

Heres a site that lists the Yugoslav aces...
Air Aces Homepage

Neutral Switzerland also had German machines that were used to protect their borders. Whenever hostile aircraft, such as German fighters or bombers crossed into their airspace, a few battles raged.

A quik ref from wiki......

"On 10 May 1940, air combat between Switzerland and Germany was initiated. Several Swiss Bf 109s engaged a German Dornier Do 17 near the border at Bütschwil; in the ensuing exchange of fire, the Dornier was hit and eventually forced to land near Altenrhein.

On 1 June the Flugwaffe dispatched 12 Bf 109 E-1s to engage 36 unescorted German Heinkel He 111s of Kampfgeschwader 53 that were crossing Swiss airspace to attack the Lyon - Marseilles railway system. The Swiss Air force sustained its first casualty in the engagement when Sub Lieutenant Rudolf Rickenbacher was killed when the fuel tank of his Bf 109 exploded after being hit by the Heinkel's return fire. However the Swiss Emils shot down six He 111s.

On 8 June, a C-35 observation aircraft, an antiquated biplane, was attacked over the Jura Mountains by two German Bf 110s; the pilot and observer were killed. Later on the same day, Swiss Captain Lindecker led about 15 Swiss Emils to intercept a formation of German He 111s escorted by II./Zerstörergeschwader 1's Bf 110s. The engagement resulted in five Bf 110s being shot down (including the Staffelkapitän Gerhard Kadow) for the loss of one Swiss Bf 109.
I believe Finnish 109's fought German 109's after switching sides as well.

THe Finns also had Hurricanes (Mk.I's), but they never met Russian Hurricanes in combat.
The Finnish Air Force is a huge source of such possibilities. Finnish Hurricanes against Russian Hurricanes. Now, P-40's fought against P-36's from the same factory at operation Torch. Also, in Finland, Finnish P-36's fought Russian P-40's. The Finns managed to capture a bunch of Polykarpov fighters and ended up using them against the Russians, who flew mostly those types up there at that time. One of most amazing ones was the He 115's of the Luftwaffe fighting against He 115's of Norway in 1940, and the pilots mistaking each other for friend or foe.
The Finnish Air Force is a huge source of such possibilities.

- I-153 vs. I-153
- LaGG-3 vs. LaGG-3
- Finnish Hurricanes fought at the same section of the (Carelian) Front as the Soviet ones but didn't meet.
- Finnish DBs, SBs and Pe2s against same types on the ground.

32 Sqn Spitfires
got involved with Egyptian raiders, also in Spitfires at Ramat David in 1948.
They'd already hit the airfield once and got away with it. The second time around they weren't so lucky and the RAF got some planes off. Unfortunately for the Egyptians, who were flying Mk IXs, 32 Sqn were flying Mk XVIIIs. The engagement was simplified by the complete lack of evasive manoeuvres from the raiders, who flew like they were the only planes in the sky. The RAF closed them down and destroyed sitting targets from very short range. They paused with the last of them only to pull alongside and identify the nationality of the raiders from the aircraft markings (again, no attempt at evasion), having established this, the tasked Mk XVIII pulled back and destroyed the last one.

The Luftwaffe occasionally put up downed Allied fighters against the bomber streams. At least one Tuskegee airmen engaged a P-51 in his own P-51.
You have beat me to it Njaco. When I saw topic of this thread April War of 1941 immediately came to my mind as example where Yugoslav Bf 109Es were fighting with German Bf 109Es. Also in 1944 and 1945 Yugoslav partisans were operating captured examples of Bf 109Gs against the Germans.
There is, however, one more example - during Slovak National Uprising in fall 1944 insurgents were operating two Messerschmitt Bf 109G-6s against the Luftwaffe. There were several encounters with German Bf 109Gs recorded during this time but no Bf 109Gs of either side were actually shot down. Bf 109Gs were lost on both sides, however, but mostly on the ground. One Slovak Messerschmitt was lost during Luftwaffe's raid on insurgent's airfield Try Duby, while other was lost in air accident over Carpathian mountains while flying towards Soviet held territory after the suppression of the uprising. On the other hand, Luftwaffe lost six Bf 109G-14 of Jagdgruppe zur besonderen Verwendung 7 by the action of insurgent aircraft. These were lost on 18th September in air raid on German held Piešťany airfield made by La-5FNs of 1st Czechoslovak Fighter Aviation Wing (unit with Czechoslovak personnel equipped with Soviet fighters and operating from Slovak territory during the uprising). Messerschmitt Bf 109Gs of II/JG 51, II/JG 52 and I/JG 53 were also operating against insurgents in Slovakia at that time.
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While not fighters, there were other aircraft that were used by other countries. During the German attack on Norway, both the German and the Norwegian side had He 115's and the Germans were attacked by Norwegian He 115's while they landed. Some of the Norwegian He 115's were flown over to England before Norway was completely occupied and three of those were used in the Mediterranean theater for secret operations.

The story of the Luftwaffe using cptured aircraft in bomber streams, as far as I know, hasn't been verified. A few stories, but no concrete evidence outside of KG 200 using these planes for covert ops.

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