Please help with Bf-109 identification

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Clayton Magnet

Staff Sergeant
Feb 16, 2013
Long time reader, first time poster. Hello all!
I just bought a corgi diecast 109G-6, and am curious about the details. here is the link to what I bought...Corgi AA27101 - Bf 109 Diecast Model, Luftwaffe 1./JG 53, Erich Hartmann, Hungary: The Flying Mule
Ive been searching for some anwsers, but have come up short. By the cowl bulges, Im assuming it is not an AS engine, yet has the wooden tail. What would be the purpose of the extended verticle fin if the aircraft had the standard DB605 engine?
This is all based on the assumption of course, that the model is accurate. Any more information on Hartmann's aircraft while with JG53 would be very much appreciated.
Interestingly, your signature picture contains the white 109 as well!
it's simply a late model G-6 with tall tail and Erla haube Canopy, still has the standard cowl and wing bulges for this version. Some sources quote this bird as a G-14 also.

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