Possible End of the ww2

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The Wasp was on her way over from the Atlantic when the raid took place, so there'd be at least one carrier in the Pacific for the Japanese to deal with. A pretty tenuous hold for the US until more carriers could be built. And if she'd been risked and lost in the Coral Sea, there wouldn't have even been that.
I dont think it would have altered the outcome of the war. The Doolittle raid accomplished nothing but as a moral booster and a punch right back at the Japanese. It was never intended to cause lots of destruction only as to let the Japanese know that they were coming for them. So if the Doolittle raid had not happened, oh well.

Yes Midway would have been lost and Australia threatened however the biggest thing it would have caused for the Japanese was buy them more time and prolong the war. The Japanese could not have invaded the mainland United States. It was too far of a distance to be able to logistically sustain an invasion force. It would have taken too long for the Japanese to get reinforcements to the United States and then at some point there forces would have become to spread out and would have been easy to defeat them. The main thing it would have been to hard to resupply and reinforce an invasion force over 6000 miles.

As for the Carrier situation. The United States had the recources to build new Carriers very quickly througout the west coast and the east coast. Between 1941 and 1945 alone the United States built 102 Aircraft carriers of Different types.

Large Fleet Carriers

Midway Class - 3 Ships (137 aircraft each)
Essex Class - 24 ships (103 aircraft each)

Light Fleet Carriers

Siapan Class - 2 Ships (48 aircraft each)
Independence Class - 7 Ships (45 aircraft each)
Commencement Bay Class - 19 Ships (34 aircraft each)
Casablanca Class - 37 Ships (30 aircraft each)
Bouge Class - 10 Ships (21 aircraft each)

The United States was able to build these carriers very fast to replace sunk ones, something the Japanese did not have the luxury to do. For instance CVB-41 Midway was laid down in October 1943 and completed March 20, 1945, CV-9 Essex was laid down 28 April 1941 and completed July 31, 1942. That is just barely over a year for the Essex. All of these carriers were built throughout the United States from the Philadelphia Naval Yard to Norfolk to San Diego. There were so many places to build them that the Japanese could not have stopped it.

Basically what I am trying to say is that had the Carriers been at Pearl Harbour all it may have done was delay the outcome of the war. Nothing more.
Adler is exactly right.

What Japan was capturing was not economy increasing land but just extra land bases and holiday destinations ( :lol: ). The Japanese economy just wouldn't be able to stand up to the US economy.
An invasion against the US was out of the question. On any beach head the US would be able to throw everything and overwhelm it purely with numbers.
I think the Japs could have successfully landed an invasion force but they would not have been able to withstand it and within days it would have been destroyed. There was just no way to sustain it and resupply it plus the US could have more quickly put forces on the beaches.

The only reason I think the Japs could have started a beachhead is because of sheer suprise. The US would not have suspected this to happen, however it deffinatly would have failed.
I don't think the Japanese would have been stupid enough to do that. At most Hawaii would have been taken beyond Midway. I doubt it would have knocked America out of the war though. The Pacific would have been in the IJNs hold but not for long with events in Europe.
The US could have diverted what would have been in the Pacific to Europe. End it there, then finish off the Japanese. I actually do think that India and Burma could have been held by the British because that was the largest Army Britain had, the 14th Army, and they became experts in jungle warfare from their experiences.
Hi all and It is VE Week!! So This weekend we can celebrate!
As for the Pacific, Midway would have fallen if the carriers were hit at Pearl, but I am not sure because the boats were rebuilt so fast. If Pearl was hit with the third strike as planned it would be a different story. ;)

but with out Midway Port Morsby would fall. I do not think they could invade Austraila, but air strikes would be everyday. With all this said the Japanese subs would have been able to cut the lines west. ;)
If Pearl was hit a 3rd time, what? The boats would not have been built fast eneogh. The carriers were built on the mainland west coast and east coast, and there was no way for the Japs to hit the naval yards there undetected after Pearl Harbor.
i don't think australia has to worry about their supply lines being cut though, they're pretty damn self sufficient.........
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