Post ur Pic for Our New Member Mug Shot Album....

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I 'm having a hard time digesting the fact a Marine and a Sailor are judging fashion

Didn't you know that US Marines are the best dressed individuals on the planet??? I have a buddy that gets lucky every time he puts his damn blues on with a girl he just met...
This shot is a cartoon of me, not a real photy, honest.
It is almost exactly 50 years old and portrays me with fave booze (Carling lager), fave kite of the time - Percival Provost and fave sport Motorcycle racing, it would be as I come from and still live in, the Isle of Man where we have just celebrated the 100th anniversary of the finest Motorcycle ROAD race in the world.8)


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You'll have to decide whether I am the pretty old one or the ugly old one with the cigar


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Its me the Emac from down under the equator way and my son Andrew. Photo taken at my computer desk with web cam


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Photo of when I have come home from a hard day at work and mood to match. Most people who know me know its not wise to **** with me when I am slightly annoyed


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I think u need to get a new razor Bill, cause ur scruff is getting alittle over the top....

BTW, ever think about taking ur cigar smokin dog and getttin him on The Letterman Show???

I was going too say did the dog supply brown thing you've set on fire Bill but I think I'll withdraw that (sorry) in favour of Dans comments.

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