Pro Modeler 1-32 Me 109G-4 aftermarket help.

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Nov 7, 2011
Kent Ohio
Ran as many searches as I could on the Internet and only found items from Verlinden and others for other variations of the 109. Looking for engine bay aftermarket as well as cockpit detailing upgrades that may be out there. Can anyone point me in the right dirrection? Thanks, John.
Probably some from one of the Czech companies, but as I don't use resin or PE parts, I'm not sure who would do them. Might not be specifically for the Pro-Modeller kit though (presume Revell/Monogram, in 1/48th).
Maybe Wayne or another '109 fan can advise.
EDIT: Just noticed - it's 1/32nd scale. Certainly some detail parts around, but didn't know there was a PM kit in this scale.
Aires does a kit that includes engine and compartment, but it's for G-6 so some adjustment will be needed., for instance eliminate bulges on cowl.
Here following are instruction pages where you will see what is included
Aires 20170001.jpg
Aires 20170002.jpg
Aires 20170003.jpg
Aires 20170004.jpg

I used MDC cockpit detail sets as well as RB canopies, they are very good.
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