Promodeller Washes

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Tech Sergeant
May 29, 2006
North Carolina
Those pro modeler washes are what I used on my Corsair, and I cant say anyting other than great words for this product....

Your corsair build is what made me look into them. :D Finding them was the tough part.

The tankratsafvdepot site and Sprue brothers are the ONLY US hobby shops that will carry the Promodeller washes as they have exclusive marketing rights to them (according to the owner of the tankrats site). :D
Do you mind sharing your technique on applying them Dan.. As I want to buy some to get the surface variation and all that jazz. Ive seen the demo video but eh, im eager to read more on it. :)
I have the full set of Flory Washes and i am super impressed by them. Water based, no smell and they are very easy to apply and remove if necessary. These were marketed as Promodeller but as Polish1 shows above are now relabeled as Flory. Same people, just different name.

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