Propeller Production in Japan

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Senior Airman
Feb 16, 2019
Perhaps this should go in Stories, since it's a first-person account, but the information on the progression of Japanese propellers from fixed-pitch to variable pitch to constants speed seemed too valuable. The specific foreign licenses are interesting, especially using a Ratier design fairly late in the war!

'Japanese Aero-Engines, 1910-1945' by Goodwin and Starkings, has the following reference propellers:

From this it appears that the Ki-84 was equipped with Ratier type propellers, which were a four bladed CS propeller.

From this it appears that the Ki-84 was equipped with Ratier type propellers, which were a four bladed CS propeller.
Yep. This rather video is really slow in places, but has interesting information about the significant limits of the Ratier prop on the Ki-84. It also digs out the problems with the so-called "flight test" performance figures for the Ki-84. (I found the link here in a discussion of Greg's videos on the Ki-84.

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