Proudly made in France

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thankyou for posting the link, and I found it very interesting. However, Id have to echo Adlers comments here. Only about 1000 Moranes were built, and the design had some rather severe limitations. Ive recently finished a model of the Morane, and was really struck by its small size...only about 2/3 the length of a contemporary Spitfire. Engine size was small, with limited potential for improvement, armament was also too light. Protection limited and speed and other key performance elements were all limited. In terms of capability in 1940, it was roughly similar to the Hurricane, but because of the size and engine limits, it lacked the stretchability of the British a/c.

The French did its best with the Morane and the FAF wrote a glorious chapter in its history with it, but war winner it was not.

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