PS2 Flight Sims

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The Pop-Tart Whisperer
Feb 19, 2007
Does anybody know of any good PS2 Flight Sims? Preferrably WWII. Is it even possible? I know of the shooter land games - have a few myself but I was looking for something on the Playstation. Only things I have are for PC.
I have "Secret Weapons Over Normandy" on PS2, and my kids love it; I'm something of a purist, I need a joystick to fly (no pun intended). I'm not very good at using those little controllers they have, so I stick to PC flight sims, like Microsoft CFS 2 3, and Jane's WWII Fighters. I tried playing SWON, but I think I failed every mission; you start out flying a Hawker Hurricane, and trying to shoot down Ju 87's over England. Not too bad but, like I said, I suck at using those little controllers, so I usually got shot down.
Has anybody else played this game, I beat the game on the normal difficulty and have beaten half of it on Ace, but still haven't unlocked all of the planes. Any tips?
nice game...i know of a couple flight games such as ace combat 1,2,3,4,and 5 they are all awesome
I'm looking for a realistic flight simulator, not a war game like Ace Combat. Any good ideas? I'm looking for something along the lines of Microsofts Flight sims like FSX
Games For Kids
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