On a modeler's forum, it was asserted that because putty was used to smooth out the sensitive laminar flow airfoil skin on P-51 wings, when the AAF went to bare metal, the P-51's wings were painted silver to hide the puttied seams.
I have looked very closely at period color films and stills and can only see what looks like bare metal. I know the fabric covered control surfaces were aluminum doped but has anyone any info on painted wings?
As a sidelight, was putty used much on American planes? Putty can be plainly seen over seams and rivets in photos of very late war Me-262s that have not been camo painted.
I have looked very closely at period color films and stills and can only see what looks like bare metal. I know the fabric covered control surfaces were aluminum doped but has anyone any info on painted wings?
As a sidelight, was putty used much on American planes? Putty can be plainly seen over seams and rivets in photos of very late war Me-262s that have not been camo painted.