RAAF F-111 Bellying In

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Jun 24, 2006
:tomcat: A couple of photos of a RAAF F-111 belly landing at Amberley in Queenland last week after losing one of the types on the main gear (someone put the pin in upside down).

The 29 year old pilot had graduated from his F-111 conversion course just 3 weeks earlier. Did a good job though - he and the Nav both got out without a scratch.



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I also got mine via a long e-mail thread. Can only suggest the source is the local news media or the RAAF itself. It appears that the photographer had "access all areas" on the airfield and judging the locations from where the photos were taken I would suspect the origin may be the RAAF itself (unoffcially of course!)
they had a few hours to prepare for the landing and I'll wager it was common knowledge so probably everyone was watching . We always had a camera ready to go in the tower and photographed every incicdent or precautionary landing we were also encouraged to shoot at least one roll a week for proficiency purposes at first we could use any subject but this was later changed to aircraft only after the photo section recieved a roll of two dogs humping
pbfoot said:
they had a few hours to prepare for the landing and I'll wager it was common knowledge so probably everyone was watching.
Yep, while they were flying around burning up their fuel, other pilots were on the sim practicing ways to bring her in safely and going through all the possible outcomes.
Any video footage of the event known, anywhere? I know it was on the news so someone somewhere must have found the video posted showing this event...

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