RAAF MUSEUM Victoria Australia

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Staff Sergeant
Oct 17, 2006
Brisbane Queensland
Not sure if this thread has been done before. I came across it just having a browse around internet of Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) thought some maybe interested so here is the link


Also did a search on RMAF (Royal Malaysian Air Force) Base Butterworth through the RAAF various links and web sites. Mainly because I lived there during early 1970s
Also links to the Avalon in Victoria Australia International Air Show courtsey through this link click display section in the link takes you through some good sites for Air Show, Which takes place between 20th to 25th March 2007 Avalon Victoria Australia

Royal Australian Air Force

Also try clicking the interactive part to web site has some videos attached. Oh hell have a look at Navy and Army on the Defence Force web site which is part of the web site as well top of page
Had a problem loading the videos from Defence Force site Wild. Maybe my computer the problem or it might be the site. Either way sent a email to webmaster to see if problem could be rectified

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