RAAF P-40N colour question

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Feb 22, 2012
Hi all,

First of all I'd like to introduce myself, I've been registered here for a little while now so I could make use of all that knowledge in many of these very interesting threads, and although I don't build models myself I do like to follow the group builds 8)

As for my question about Aussie P-40Ns... I'm curious about the colour of the rear cockpit/cut-down fuselage under all that glazing aft of the pilot as well as the medium green blotching around the wing and tail edges.
As I understand it P-40Ns destined for the USAAF had the rear cockpit painted OD however if they were diverted to Australia were they repainted the appropriate RAAF cockpit green colour or left OD? And if so, was that case both before and after the change from OD to Foliage Green cammo?
Also, was it common to keep the blotching on OD painted P40-Ns?

I should point out that I have only one very basic book on the P-40 (for now at least) so the only resources I have are those I can find online.


I'd go with Dana Bell.

"The scalloped cutouts inside the fuselage windows aft of the cockpits on P-40D to M models were usually painted the same as the camouflage colour. As the rear windows could be easily detached for re-painting, most field repaints were also performed this way. Earlier P-36 Hawk production practice and some photos of the early P-40D and Es indicate that Curtiss could initially have used a different colour for the cutouts. It could have been the same as the cockpit colour, but the author was not able to find any positive confirmation of this."

I also remember a comment from Terry McGrady,who knows a thing or two about Australian P-40s, in reply to a similar question,to the effect that the camouflage colour would be normal under the "glass".

Hi Steve,

Thanks for your reply, much appreciated. I had hoped that was the case but I was getting thrown by the apparently lighter shade of that area in some b/w photos (I assume that's due to the lighting conditions under all that "glass") and by all those plastics and profiles that show them as interior green!


Hi Harry, here's a pic that to me shows a different colour to that of the OD fuselage paint. I believe the green splotches were only over painted if the entire airframe got a coat of RAAF foliage green.


  • 84sqnRAAF1.jpg
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Hi Wildcat,
Thanks for the pic, it certainly helps in regards to the splotching although it does muddy the water a little as far as the colour goes! I shall keep searching though and will post here if I find anything definitive that could be of use to anyone here who'd also like to know.


P.S. I just noticed the variations of the size and proportions of the fuselage roundels in your pic, which is interesting.
Hi Harry

The rear cutout was Olive Drab on the P-40N until they started NMF's towards the end of production, when it became Dull Dark Green.

link: Plane Talking - HyperScale's Aircraft Scale Model Discussion Forum: As best as I can determine, it was OD on an OD/NG aircraft and the anti-glare panel color

These pics will assist. The P-40N rear cutout does always seem to appear a lighter colour, but you can probably put this down to fading and/or lighting conditions. The splotches are common on RAAF Kittyhawks and should be present unless refinished. The fabric surfaces, particularly the rudder seemed to be recovered after a short period. Always good to have a pic of the aircraft you are modelling for reference.




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  • PagesfromP-40_Warhawk_In_WWII_Color_Motorbooks_Int.jpg
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Wow thanks for that Peter, the pics and the link are great!
In light of what you've said about the splotching I'm going to re-asses my take on RNZAF paint schemes as well; from what I've been able to find out pics of Kiwi P-40s that show splotching are as rare as hen's teeth, presumably because the tails are painted and photos that show the upper wing surfaces are usually shot from some distance away.
I don't make models myself, my hobby involves using a digital paint brush to make skins for that old flight sim Il2 and I must admit that sometimes (such as now) I actually find the researching more fun than the actual skinning

According Curtiss drawings, for the P40N, there was two schemes.
- Scheme A, overall NMF with antiglare OD 613 (P40-N, 5001 & up, except lend lease allocated airplanes which will be camouflaged per scheme B when designated by military contracts allocation.
- Scheme B, upperside OD 41 and underside NG 43, splotching Medium Green 42 on OD of the leading & trailing edge of the wing (no on aileron), vertical & horizontal stabilizer (P40-N, 1 - 5000)


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