G'day Wildcat and Heinz. Thanks for the replies!
Wildcat, your bird looks really good! I just might pick up the Italeri kit, I think a monster is rearing its head here.
One reason I became intrigued with doing a couple of RAAF P-40's not only do I like the P-40, but the use of the white recognition markings.
My family and I recently returned from a 3 week vacation "down under". We visited friends in Brizzie for a few days along the way. My friend took me to the Army Aviation Museum at Oakey. First time I got to see a Boomerang in person, my friend explained to me why they used the white and the wheels started turning in my mind, when that happens my wife just rolls her eyes.
I had noticed a Boomerang on his work bench when we arrived a couple days earlier, so needless to say I poured over his reference library while he did some painting on his project later that night. So, the bug bit me. We checked some hobby shops in Brisbane and also in Sydney when we went down there but struck out looking for decals.
Heinz, I ran across sources you mentioned earlier while doing a web search a couple days ago and all the sets were our of stock. I contacted Red Roo and he told me that the sets he produced were going on 12 years old and from the impression I got it may be a while before he runs them again or he just may not. I hope I am wrong. I will keep googling, browsing and checking ebay.
Thanks for the help. If you see anything come up keep me in mind.