RAAF says goodbye to the Classic Hornet

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Canada says "hello" to your classic Hornets ... S for Bs decision, but that is a lovely tribute,
When Canada bought ours new it was one of the best post-war decisions on purchases IMO,
Kept our airmen in the game ... until Stealth.
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I used to look after the RAAF F/A18A Hornets when they flew into Melbourne for displays on Australia Day or for over the F1 GP.


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In the 80s I was an inspector at CAC/HdeHV in Fisherman's Bend, Port Melbourne when we were making the engine bay doors for Northrop and the weapons pylons for McDonnell Douglas, The F/A18A parts featured frequently in the cartoons I used to do for the company. The final cartoon below shows the Material Review Board deciding what to do with non-conforming parts with the Northrop and Mc Donnell Douglas reps, the project manager, HdeH quality rep, Australian government quality assurance department (DQA), and me, temporary I/C MRB Crib (with the parrot on my shoulder). This is an accurate representation (apart from the parrot) only the costumes have been changed to protect the innocent.


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It should be pointed out that the RAAF airframes are not F-18C and D models.
Technically one could classify them as F/A-18A+/B+ given the systems such as the AN/APG-73 Radars and other that they received during the various Hornet Upgrade Program (HUG) phases.

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