Senior Airman
Firstly: Orthogonal means at a right angle to the surface, correct?
Yes, square to the face and on axis.
Secondly: X-band seems to produce a greatly larger reflection: Do most modern air-to-air and surface-to-air radars use X-band, or other, provided it's not classified?
Higher frequency = larger RCS, it is not specific to X band. Many military air-to-air and surface-to-air radars are indeed in X-band, but there is a long series of events that has resulted in that.
So the optical region for a 12" diameter sphere would be 75.4"?
The optical region is defined by the frequency of the signal in comparison to the size of the sphere, signal wavelength to maximum dimension. So it would be defined in frequency.
What does "running rabbits" in the radar returns mean?
Running rabbits are asynchronous interference being shown on the radar display. Interference synchronized in time will be fixed and not moving (in range, range is time to a radar) on the display, interference that is not in sync will move on the display.
Wait, I'm confused. I thought the Mie range was where the wavelength was 1.5 x surface-area. This looks to be span/length x 1.5.
The Rayleigh, Mie, and Optical regions are not defined by area. I misspoke when I said "area", I meant "diameter" (I'll go back and correct that post after I post this one). And yes, span / length is the important part of what I said in that example of aircraft.
The B-26 designation confuses me because it was assigned to two different aircraft. Is this the B-26 Marauder or the B-26 Invader?
In this case it is almost certainly referring to the B-26 Marauder.
I believe P PFVA63 is quoting from Skolniks "Introduction to Radar Systems" (page 40, figure 2.16) with that polar plot (the top / first polar plot, not the smoothed lower polar plot). However, several, many even, sources have used that plot and data. I think the earliest publication I have seen using that plot/data is the MIT Radiation Laboratory Series, Volume 1 (page 76, figure 3.8), published in 1947. And that document quotes Radiation Laboratory Report No 931 (April 8, 1946), and No 914 (March 28, 1946) as the source. So I am pretty sure that data is from 1946.
I think the A-26 designation was not change to B-26 until 1948.
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