Radiator and liquid cooling damage models

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kool kitty89

Senior Master Sergeant
Aug 29, 2007
San Jose, CA
On another forum there were discussions (and complaints) about there being no damage modeling (at least up to 4.07) for liquid cooling systems. Does anyone know about this, or if it's changed on 4.08? (or 4.09 beta)

Also note, the oil systems and oil cooler(s) are modeled, so it seems very odd not to have the cooling system.

Another note is that thread a claim is made that the lack of radiator damage modeling is to give an edge to the Il-2, it being liquid-cooled, but this argument doesn't hold up. The Il-2's radiator is burried in the nose, behind the engine, and is well protected. The oil cooler, on the other hand (present for both liquid and air-cooled planes), is very exposed, and can be disabled with rifle caliber machine gun hits. (the "achilles' heel" of the Il-2 in game and RL is the oil cooler, which is modeled)

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Hits to the engine will do it, as will hits to the oil cooler. But the radiator (and areas where coolant lines should be) are something else.

If there's black streams you've got a low-pressure oil leak, (will take a long time to kill the engine) if there are black streams with black "puffs" you've got a high pressure leak fromthe oil cooler. (kills the engine in a couple minuts at high power, with increasingly loud squealing sound before ceasing)

A coolant leak sholuld look similar to a fuel leak, and engine should quit very quickly. (should overheat in under a minute, and quit shortly after)

I haven't had this last one occur.

It just seems like an odd think to leave out though, particularly considdering the oil system being modeled.
"A coolant leak sholuld look similar to a fuel leak, and engine should quit very quickly. (should overheat in under a minute, and quit shortly after)"

good point, havent seen any coolant leaks. maybe someone can fix this at AAA.

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