RAF Bomber Command summer 1940, How to bomb Auschwitz?

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The source was a census done on the people moving to the newly formed state of Israel after the war. This census was carried
out officially by the state of Israel itself. It also resulted in a letter of thanks sent to the vatican from the government of Israel.

Even were it within Allied capability to bomb camps in Eastern Europe, where most of the death camps were located, the death camp inmates' survival is dependent on ill, starving people's escaping into a countryside full of vengeful German troops, local collaborators, and terrorized local citizens. It wasn't as if all the people of Eastern Europe were candidates for Rightful Gentiles.
I've seen the Israeli stats which show only 4 million victims from the holocaust, all this other stuff sounds like fake news to me.
It's not fake news and stating that doesn't make your argument valid.

There are plenty of statements made by jews who escaped Europe.
For example - "Only the Church stood squarely across the path of Hitler's campaign for suppressing the truth … I am forced thus to confess that what I once despised I now praise unreservedly." Albert Einstein.

The thing to remember here is that the whole Nazi system was based on Atheist / Eugenicist ideology. Totalitarian suppression of human thought and beliefs is what was fought
against. Blaming any religion for this is false
There were lots of good Christians in Europe, just no one at the top to force the issue.
WTF does the Pope have to do with the bombing of Concentration camps and why is Hollywood being drug into the conversation?
WTF does the RAF have to do with Auschwitz not being bombed? Only the Americans in Foggia could have precision bombed it in Spring 1944. They didn't. Second strike against the Pope is that he claims to be God's representative on Earth, and yet failed to ask God to launch precision thunderbolt strikes against Auschwitz. Maybe all those foo fighters following those USAAF bombers around were the watchers waiting for something to be done to help the Jews.
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