Major General
As for the Spit range issue, as I always say. There was no issue. PR Spits were, from 1940 onwards doing first MR missions then LR mission.
Everybody gets the logic the wrong way around. It is not about increasing the range of a fighter Spit, it is about fitting guns to already existing, tried and tested LR Spit designs.
Two 20mm guns and four .303s with ammo are about 650lbs. 85 Imp gallons of fuel weighs 612lbs.
In 1941/42 you have Spitfire MK Vs.
The plane needs to be able to fight at the end of it's 'radius'. How much weight can you load in and still be able to 'fight'. Speed will be affected only a little, climb will be affected a lot. The ability to turn and maintain speed or maintain altitude altitude in a turn are going to be affected even if the actual radius is not affected much.
The PR Spitfires were not expected to 'fight'. They were expected to run in pretty much a straight line.