raid reports 31 may 28 july 1944

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Apr 17, 2008
Hi Guys
Im building up my grandfathers history with 625 nicely now, with help from many on this board i have datails of his missions fom the squadrons orb, even down to likely suspect who shot him down.
Its the raids prior to the 28th i would like if possible to collate raid reports and if possible photos.
I have in full his last raid and photo of the raid on stuttgart 25/7 and vaires marshaling yard on 27 june, but nothing else.
Raids were as follows
tergnier 31 5 44, berneaval 2 6 44, st martin de verreville 5 6 44, vires 6 6 44, acheres 10 6 44, gelsenkirchen 12 6 44 boulogne 15 6 44, domleger 16 6 44, 25 6 44 liegescourt, vaires 27 6 44, vierzon 30 6 44, oiseemont neuville 2 7 44, dijon 5 7 44, foret du croc 6 7 44, caen 7 7 44, revigny 14 7 44, stuttgart 25 28 july 44


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