Realism - more than Patriotism

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Oh, I have to arrange Christmas gifts for my children.
Take care enroute and Have nice holidays with your family, MM! :)
January 20. High minus 7, low minus 24.

What a difference a trail makes. Last visits, New Years Day drive in, and January 15 were miserable, unreported events, no sun, no broken trail, nasty crust of ice which made walking exhausting. Yesterday, the gods smiled. :)


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February 5. Low minus 23, high minus 14. 4" of fresh powder since last walk-in.

Hungry birds


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January 20. High minus 7, low minus 24.

What a difference a trail makes. Last visits, New Years Day drive in, and January 15 were miserable, unreported events, no sun, no broken trail, nasty crust of ice which made walking exhausting. Yesterday, the gods smiled. :)

Do you know the folks breaking trail on the ski-doos?
Yes ... one was Willy who was up for a day trip ... and the other was from two guys down below the Falls .... at the Cottage association meetings I always encourage them to use the trail in winter ... :)
Do any of your neighbors live there full time/year round?
Yes .... but none within close proximity. Due south 2 kms across Willy's acreage on the side of the highway I have 3 year round families, one of which is Adele, where I park in winter and pick up the trail. Due east along the old railroad right-of-way there are a dozen families serviced by a maintained in winter road to the highway. That route used to be my winter access until the property closest to me - .5 km - was bought by the neighbor from hell, Nancy, of the big brown dog Harley that visits me for bones that his vegan boss won't give him.

She is a real piece of work .... all her neighbors recognize that .... before she arrived they would ski-doo past my place down to the Falls, cross the river on the ice and ride into town. Nancy put a stop to that neighborliness right quick. Her way or the highway .... but to her credit ... she trains dogs very well
February 28. High minus 12, low minus 17. 3" of fresh powder on base trail.

Dazzling blue day, feeding chickadees, purple finches, redheaded woodpeckers, nuthatches and Harley ... :) ..... suet, oil sunflower seed, niger seed and beef bones.


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How do Harley and Von Panzer get along?
.... von Panzer isn't intimidated by Harley but he is cautious ... and I have seen Rocket startle Harley by sneaking up on him and surprising him, and he has hissed and shown his claws. Harley is very well disciplined for the most part but he's got that breed tendency to stand up on things, like Boxers do, and he slobbers ... :)
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March 7. Low minus 9, high zero. One inch of fresh power on base trail.

Willy's and views from the river


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