Senior Master Sergeant
This is not inconsistent with the data I have seen. The climbing ability of the Bf-109 vs the P-51 is always close and probably within the measurement and manufacturing error for the most part. Also, the Bf-109 is always noted as having very good zooming ability. The problem the Bf-109G-14 had with the P-51B/D was mainly speed. The G-10 and K-4 had no such problem with performance except probably endurance. In my opinion this comment represents a sound strategy for attacking the forces bombing Germany. The real problem Germany had was that these particular aircraft, especially the G-10 and K, was that they were not available in quantity and in a timely manner to blunt the onslaught visited on the homeland in 1944-45.Lt Hans-Ulrich Flade flew Me-109G-14, G-10 and K-4 with JG27 in 1945. He says firstly the final versions of each had about the same performance. He said secondly his flight never had any problem escaping Mustangs in a climb. His job was to break up enemy escort formations (Mustangs mostly in 45) for the interceptors (Me-410/109G/Fw190A mixed interceptor groups and jets). He would dive as a pair or four out fo the sun on the Mustangs, break up their formation and then zoom clear, change course, find another group. He said the problem was if you got into a dogfight, the escorts were too numerous and you'd eventually be clawed to the ground no matter how you flew.