In German use, such a configuration allows for, say, 3-4 x 20mm, or 2-3 x MK 108, or 2 x MK0103, or 1-2 x 37mm + MGs. So it's a bomber destroyer, or/and tank buster that can both do the job fight back @ Allied fighters.
Vs. Spit MkV through -IX, it allows for a central weapon battery, eg. 3-4 x 20mm (fighter), or 1-2 x 40mm + MGs; all 20mm yields far better firepower than what Spits have had, while the 40mm variant has less better accuracy than wing mounted guns of Hurri IID.
As for US use, V-1710 needs turbo to to have decent HP (1425/1600 in 1943), or two stage compressor (like P-63 had); central battery allows for more accurate/'better' fire (for same number of MGs), or a still decent punch with one or two MGs less. Dunno how well R-2800 would've fared at aft hull, cooling-wise.
Allied planes could've picked some roll rate, with MGs relocated almost to centreline.