Recent Purchases (1 Viewer)

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The latest. Ran across the Tauro decals by chance, It's the same number as one I already have, but it's slightly different. Now adding A6M3 type 22 and 32 models. The 22 is so danged pricey. My wife purchased these two for me, she is so sweet!
Goodness me aren't you going to have one huge and well filled Christmas stocking.
Nice ones Jesse.
We hate the christmas rush for kids presents, so my wife and I get them during the year. Whenever they mention something they like, we look around for it online (cheaper!) and keep it in a box on top of the cupboard. When Christmas or a birthday come up, we just break out the box and select a few things. Takes the stress out of it!
We give them credits (my card) and they pick what they want. They all got new electronics for playing their games and the pick'em gifts. One lone arrival today. Not getting much in 1/72 unless it's a rare one or a twin-engined aircraft. I did see the new ICM Ki-21-Ia 1/48 is now out, so that's the new big purchase to get next.


  • 20231208 Kawasaki KDA-2 type 88-II Kova-M 72022.jpg
    729.5 KB · Views: 9
I like this idea!!

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