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Here is a item I bought early last year, and I really don't know how Ive worked without it.

Painted my 1/72 190 and 51 cockpits and wheels while wearing it, and it dang sure helped with that small detail stuff.


  • Picture 025.jpg
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Here is a item I bought early last year, and I really don't know how Ive worked without it.

Painted my 1/72 190 and 51 cockpits and wheels while wearing it, and it dang sure helped with that small detail stuff.

Apologize for my ignorance, but I don't understand what it is? Could you explaine please?
Apologize for my ignorance, but I don't understand what it is? Could you explaine please?
It's a magnifier you strap around your head got it for 30 bucks. I used it to help paint the little parts of my aircraft and other details, it's a good investment if you want to do detail work. the glasses power on mine is x2 to x3 which is more than enough for me.

I use one myself when the occasion warrants it!

Going to check out one with a better magnifier and light setup....
I'll be...... I won this one on ebay while at work, very much unexpected, as I got it for the same price, as it probably will cost when re-released again by Airfix, just over 30 peanuts with s/s....
Got all my birds for my Swedish 'what if' now....


  • Lightning F2-F6.jpg
    60.8 KB · Views: 51
Apologize for my ignorance, but I don't understand what it is? Could you explaine please?

Alberto, sometimes peoples sense of humor is a little of the wall. They are refering to the way you set your magnifying goggles up to take a photo of them. With your keyboard in the background and the goggles they are implying that the government is watching you. The joke was not directed at you, just your photo.

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