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Well well well..... we have some fellas in here tring to form there own Gruppe in here w/F's with Wotjek as XO and Terry maybe the second???I was tring to figure out Terry about the Bday thing "what is he talking about?"now I see.So does that mean when you think you are 48 you are actually 36(48/4=12 then 48-12=36) but you fell like 48 :scratch:

thats what we call fuzzy math I learned it from or politicans :lol:
Wish I was 48 Kevin! I'm 58 at present (or fourteen and a half), and will be 59 in February!
My youngest daughter will be 18 this year, and she thinks it's hilarious that's she's 'older' than Dad !!
Wish I was 48 Kevin! I'm 58 at present (or fourteen and a half), and will be 59 in February!
My youngest daughter will be 18 this year, and she thinks it's hilarious that's she's 'older' than Dad !!

There goes that fuzzy math again I did it backwards so you really are quite young Terry :)

Oh by the way just got back from the LHS picked up the Hase 1/32 Oscar the old kit $30-15% it's the 64th figther regiment,1/72 revell F-82G old kit but looks clear of flash,Aero Master decals 1/48 for FW-190,1/48 German seatbelts from Eduard and some more MM mixing bottles pipettes.I brought my 1/32 Willow to show Joe and Nancy and they fell in love with it they really liked it and ask that I finish it.Joe said it was definitely unusual enough that he really like to put it on display(mentioned 2-3 times bring it back) that made me feel good about the codes and all.All in all was a nice trip to the LHS as I said I got 15% off of everything and Joe passed on to me a card to that effect for my future purchases of plastiek's.Cool!!
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I've been looking at the various 1/48th scale 109F models available and saw that in addition to the ICM and Zvezda kits there is a Hasegawa 109F-2. The description said it has recessed panel lines so it can't be one of there really old kits. Has any one made this kit, and how does it compare to the ICM and Zvezda Kits?

You know, we really should start a 109F unofficial group build thread and stop hijacking this one!
The hasegawa F-2 has been around for quite some time, it is an excellent kit and not complicated and goes together well. The Zvezda kit has more detail and is a pretty good kit, softer plastic and a bit more complicated to put together, not difficult though, just have to follow the instructions as there are a few steps you need to decide on which options you are going to choose.

It has a good engine assembly and cowls can be open or closed including the lower cover.

Zvezda will at some time in the future be releasing the F-4 too...

Don't have the ICM kit and have not looked closely at one so can't comment on it....
The ICM kit is very similar to the Zvevzda kit, although the latter has the edge overall. Both are better than the Hasegawa for detail and accuracy, although the Hasegawa kit is still good. (Some reviews state that the Hasegawa kit is inaccurate in the fuselage.)
And, of course, the ICM kit is very inexpensive, and the Zvezda at a price that Tamiya and Hasegawa kits used to be, some time ago!

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