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It's Christmas Day all over again at Karl's house! Nice haul mate.
Thanks for the info on the Zvezda kit Wojtek, and I look forward to seeing your comparison review.
BTW, I haven't got a birthday this year - no 29th of February !
A tri-build could be good fun!
Karl can get his revenge by having an on-line tri- 'cook-in !
A little private build in, all Bf109Fs, from ICM and / or Zvezda kits.
My first will be either the F2 or F4 of Hans Hahn, in a small diorama, with the second the other of these, and then a JG53 machine, in France, another F2.
Could call it 'The Friedrich Owner's Club' !
The 'The Friedrich Owner's Club' sounds very good Terry. And a good choice..Hahn's circle painted F-2. I would go with a Messer of 9./JG3 rather.
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Yep. The ICM kit I purchased 'in a rush' is the F2, but I'd like to do Hahn's slightly later F4, with the III Gruppe bar encircling the rear fuselage, and only the lower cowling panel in yellow. This would be 'posed' part inside a wooden hangar at Thieville, France, with work being carried out, either re-arming the nose guns, or work on the starboard side of the engine, with the port cowling still closed.
It'll mean making the 'round' wheel wells, and extending the supercharger intake slightly, but it shouldn't be too difficult.
I'll probably do his earlier F2 as well, plus the JG53 bird, probably in the early 71/02/65 colour scheme, and yellow nose.
Now, who's going to do one of Galland's 'special's', such as his 'F6' ??
Now, who's going to do one of Galland's 'special's', such as his 'F6' ??

You know... these later Galland's crates aren't so especial nice. I would try to make one of these desert birds. Hans Joachim Marseille's one would be a nice choice.
Or his wingman, as everyone seems to do Marseilles. Or that other bloke in North Africa, forgotten his name, but I think it was Schulz ?

Do you mean Ofw. Otto Schulz and his White 2 of 4./JG27?
Also it might be Yellow 8 of 3./JG27 flown by Fw. Rainer Pottgen. There is a couple of other crates we could follow as well.
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That's the chap my friend, Otto Schulz! Looked like a big feller too, judging by the pics I've got of him somewhere!
Come on in Glenn, the hangar temperature is lovely!
As I'm not taking part in the next GB, this 'Friedrich Owner's Club' sounds like a good alternative! I can get that done, and finish-off some other 'nearly done' models at the same time, before embarking on the big Ju88 for the Czech museum.
Nice buys you guys, Terry the Zvezda 109 kit is pretty damn good, i have been chipping away slowly at one on the will be impressed!

The plastic is a bit softer than other brands but not bad at all.

I will say that the decals are the weak point in this kit...rather ordinary when compared to others, but appear useable.
Of course there is! Didn't you know that Wojtek's address is 109 Erla House, Augsburg Avenue, off Freiderich Street ?
Ooops! Forgot - thanks Wayne, looking forward to getting one. Sounds like a similar set-up to ICM - nice kits, but soft plastic and questionable decal content and quality.
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