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Will do javlin it looks like the hull goes together like your ship with the hull being split top and bottom these are very large bits of plastic in 1/200 .BB
These eventually arrived today, ordered before Christmas, although I asked for despatch after the Christmas postal madness, just in case!
Slightly puzzling that the markings shown on the Bf109 box art, repeated as colour profiles on the rear of the box, aren't included on the decal sheet! Won't be using that scheme anyway, but the spare decals could have been useful!
BTW, the pale, streaky appearance of the SEAC decals is due to them still being in the polythene bag!


  • Bob Cross build 198.jpg
    Bob Cross build 198.jpg
    68.9 KB · Views: 83
  • Bob Cross build 199.jpg
    Bob Cross build 199.jpg
    121.4 KB · Views: 82
Nope, that was the trip out for paint. This was the 'I need to order decals for the Spit but have to get the order up to the minimum' on-line order !
Beauty my friend! That's the kit I wanted to order, instead of the ICM, but in the few seconds I had to order, being caught 'on the hop', I couldn't remember the manufacturer! Can you give your opinion of the kit, when you've examined it please? I think I might be getting a couple of those at sometime !
No problem Terry I'll post that test and comparison in a separate thread. At a glance the Zvezda kit is more detailed than the ICM one. The main problem I have already noticed, are decal markings with yellowish white colour. Also these seem to be a little bit wishy-washy and blurred.
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Great. A nice bunch of kits Karl... now you, Terry and me can start tri-building of Bf109F. Then we can switch to the Eduard Airacobra which is sitting somewhere at the bottom of my stash. :lol: I'm not sure if Terry has the LaGG-3 kit but my is waiting for assembling too.
Great idea. I have to think about something additional to that for him as well.
Holy crap....:lol: another gruppensex is going to be started. :lol: The triple tri-building might be really interesting...

What for today's dinner, Pal?
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Great idea. I have to think about something additional to that for him as well.
Holy crap....:lol: another gruppensex is going to be started. :lol: The triple tri-building might be really interesting...

What for today's dinner Chef?

i don't know i'm on a weeks holiday from work and am going to my wifes sister's house for dinner tonight, i may post the address in case i dont return as she is not a good cook and you will know where to look for my body !!!!!:D

and i'm not sure i want to enter a gruppen tri build with master's Wurger and Airframes, seems i might be on a hiding to nothing there :shock::lol:
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