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I have this Trumpy on the way. I am thinking of doing like the box or like the top profile in green. I hear the colour call outs in the box are dodgy at best. My question to all you Zero fans is. What are the proper call outs for this bird. Keep in mind I use Hu MM enamels. I do love that blue in the wheel wells


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Excellent haul Karl. If your short with extras for Andy, let me know, I picked up the same decals a few months ago and I can make up the difference. Which kit are you going to use for the Vampires? I heard the Hobbycraft kits had some issues around the intakes. Canada flew them as well and one squadron had a very tasty sharkmouth scheme.


Prem895 I forget the your name(getting older?) but that is a real nice kit one of the better ones in that scale in the fit area just luved it! I built it for a GB way back here
Geo I have the trumpeter Fb 9 kit which is really an Fb 5 as it missing the wing root air conditioning fairing.
Some good stuff here.

Karl - be careful with those Almark SEAC decals ! They're old, possibly from the 1970's, and the adhesive has 'gone off'. You'll need to soak them, remove from the backing, turn them over, and brush off the cloudy adhesive with a wet paint brush. Then attach by wetting the area with Future, and a coat over the top, once gently pressed into place. Have a look at my Spitfire MkVIII thread, and you'll see how I did it. Once settled and sealed though, they're OK.

I've just grabbed a used, but good condition, Roger Freeman book on the P-47 for £4, and a 1/32nd scale Hasegawa F-86 Sabre, still sealed, for £14 (normally go for over £35 !!), plus a new 1/48th scale Meteor F4 conversion kit. Pics when they arrive.
Kevin, what scale do you need?
I have a few in 1/48th scale, for the Sabre and a couple of other types, and some of the larger ones might fit for 1/32nd scale. I may want to use some for a 1/48th scale F-104 at some point in the future, but you're welcome to the others if they'll do the job.
Send me a PM with what's required, and the size, and I'll check my decal files.
Yep I remember your troubles with those decals Dogsbody, cheers
Good stuff Glenn. Never built or owned a Roden kit and as for the H-H-H-Hobbycraft kits, I seem to recall that the La-5 wasn't a bad build, maybe a little sparse in the innards but I think there is a detail set for it.


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