Love the look of this chunky beast!
A blast from the past and a confirmation of Terry's recollection that Italeri was once Italaerei, I never knew. The kit also included the following PE set.
Looks nice...
It is a what if camo scheme. PAF never used the winter type one for planes. However , the washable white was used for painting tails during military trainings or maneuvers. In the case, the white tails were the enemy kites.
Well just got back from a wonderful vacation to see my mother, Happy mothers day to all mothers out there!
Mom, my sisters from left Conna and Linda and my wife Luz!
Oregon is a wonderful place, I do miss it but, Mt Theilsen below!
My dad!
But I did get to hit Eugen Toy and Hobby and ran out with these treasures!
And when I got home last night this was awaiting me.
Lone Star Models 1/48th B-58 interior for Monograms B-58
And their P-47C conversion!