Recent Purchases (1 Viewer)

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I might not have the time to build at the moment, but I can find a few spare minutes to buy every now and then...

Box - Bulldog Mk.II.jpg Box - Boeing P-26A.jpg Box - Boeing P-26A-C.jpg
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I've been wanting one of these but everywhere I go they are out of stock. Congrats on getting one and Happy Birthday to your son. Congrats on turning him into a fellow modeler.
We are blessed with an amazing hobby store here in the Twin Cities. They buy people's stashes, so you never know what you will find there. They stock the latest from Airfix, Hobby Boss, Tamiya, Revell, and the like, but also have a shelf dedicated to rare and classic models. And the prices are often way cheaper than the internet. Plus, there is something about browsing the shelves that is so much more rewarding than scrolling through internet search results. You find things you didn't even know you wanted.
If there is one drawback it's that much of the aftermarket stuff is in a locked cabinet and not at all organized.
I have wanted this for some time. The hobby shop in Madison had it, so just got it from there. I do have these kits for a planned future build, but it's always about the time. I might get Part 2, even though I really don't need it.
Isn't part 2 a Midway set or is it later in the war?

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