Recent Purchases (2 Viewers)

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Aires #7007: TBF/ TBM-1C Avenger Detail Set (For Hasegawa/ Hobby 2000 kits)

DEAD Design Models #NM72 010: TBF/ TBM Avenger Canopy Mask (For Hasegawa/ Hobby 2000 kits)

It's alot of windows for sure.

BTW, has anyone re-used masks? Is it practical?
Need to mask 2 Avengers, but masks aren't cheap (actually, the postage is the real killer). Was thinking to use the set as a master for some Tamiya tape masks just to save a few €. Waste of time?
Bagged yourself a nice little package there Evan, lots of fiddly stuff though. Re the masks, have never done it but why nor give it a trial run first on a bit of scrap plastic. :lol:

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