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Jul 25, 2007
Cambridgeshire, England
This made me ROTFLMAO!!!

So....the Patrouille Suisse aerobatic display team was booked for a display to commemorate the centenary of a Swiss aviation pioneer. Alas, the formation got lost and the lead headed for what he thought was the right place. Sure enough, there was an event visible on the ground below, so the team duly performed their display.

The only snag was they were over the wrong event. And what was this wrong event? The Northwest Switzerland Yodelling Competition!!!

You couldn't make it up!!!

Here's a linky just to confirm the details.
Some years ago at the Sun N Fun Fly-In one afternoon the warbirds took off, formed up, and proceeded to buzz the field.

"How did it look to y'all?" came the radio message from the formation.

"How did what look? We're still waiting!" came the reply from Lakeland.

They had just buzzed the hell out of Bartow.

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