Replica D.XXI

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Sep 19, 2006
In Hogeveen, there is a build going on for a flyable replica of a dutch Fokker D.XXI. It should be ready next year.

These pictures I got from a Dutch forum:



And a video:
Yup, with some differences. The legs will be like the Finish version as they are more complied to the current safety rules. The difference will be only noticeable to the experts.
A fantastic program Marcel, I bet you are over the moon.

I cant look at the video whilst im at work, so my apologies if I ask a dumb question........who is financing the build, this looks like a pretty well financed project.
Maybe then it will be done RIGHT! :)
I'm pretty sure it will be done right. It will not be exactly as the original, but it will be as close as they can get with original parts as much as possible. They are doing a tremendous job. We still hope we can do the same for the Fokker G-1. It would be awesome to have both Fokker fighters on an airshow. But for now, the build of a G-1 is still far off.
Still I'm very exited and I'm really hoping it will all work out and they will be attending the next Oostwold airshow in 2019. That would really fantastic :D
Awesome! I hope they build a G-1 next! :lol:
They won't, but the SFG-1 might. We can learn a lot from this build as the construction is similar in many ways. Of course a D.XXI is a much cheaper and simpler aircraft and we did not start fund raising yet. But who knows.

You can all become a donor for the Fokker G-1 at (sorry for the shameless promotion)

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