Request: F4U-1D blueprints

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Here's more on the FG-1D Corsair on Barnstormers from someone who visited it. What a shame it was not taken care of:

"I've been to look at that plane. It's a very interesting project but missing many critical components including the outer wing panels and wing fold mechanism which were removed with a gas cutting torch. The remains of the airframe was used by a Midwest company to test storm windows. They welded a steel framework between the gear legs and mounted to it a test window. The Corsair engine was then started and water hosed into the prop arc. The combination of wind and water made for a very effective test platform for simulating the effects of hurricanes and tornados on new storm windows."
Hi folks. I am planning the construction of a half scale (or there abouts) construction project of an F4U Corsair. I've ran into similar problems that Danny and a few others have. Mainly that I cannot find construction blueprints for this aircraft. I've been to the Vought site but have found only line drawings. I want my aircraft to be completely accurate but scaled. My only two deviations will be to build it using composites, and to power it with a Subaru engine. If anyone comes up with a source for the blueprints I would appreciate hearing of it. I know many others would as well.

Cheers to all, Bobby D.
Hi folks. I am planning the construction of a half scale (or there abouts) construction project of an F4U Corsair.

Why 1/2 scale? Check out I believe it explains why he chose 82%. I believe 1/2 scale would be difficult for the average pilot to get into.

As for blueprints, have you tried the National Archives? Expensive and time consuming, but they are available there. You will need to get written permission from Vought to get access to them. Have you tried Goodyear?

Good luck and keep us all updated with your progress.

I got the same manual from eflightmanuals. After writing to them about the lack of drawings, they told me that the drawings will be scanned as a separated manual, but they don't know when as yet.


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