Research - N.A. P-51 Mustang

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Oct 2, 2009
I am looking for information on the N.A. P-51 Mustang. I am documenting the histories of each one built and am trying to document those which served with Foreign services. I am in particularly interested in those aircraft captured during WW2 and later Korean war. Any and all information such as serial, codes numbers, etc., etc.
I am looking for information on the N.A. P-51 Mustang. I am documenting the histories of each one built and am trying to document those which served with Foreign services. I am in particularly interested in those aircraft captured during WW2 and later Korean war. Any and all information such as serial, codes numbers, etc., etc.

I have ~ 500 from the 355th FG - some traced all the way to Korean War - but can't release until my book is published.

Interestingly, one of them was the KY Nat'l Guard Mustang that was lost chasing the UFO in 1947 (or 48)..
I am looking for information on the N.A. P-51 Mustang. I am documenting the histories of each one built and am trying to document those which served with Foreign services. I am in particularly interested in those aircraft captured during WW2 and later Korean war. Any and all information such as serial, codes numbers, etc., etc.

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USAAS-USAAC-USAAF-USAF Aircraft Serial Numbers--1908 to Present
Is that the one that was mysteriously crushed and dropped out of the sky like a leaf?

I don't know what the description was - but Cpt Mantrell in 165 KYANG went in near Franklin Ky chasing a UFO.


Sorry about size of photo - I'll try to get back later and reduce it


  • 358 YFU_Elionne-Passions Playgound_Marsh [morris].jpg
    358 YFU_Elionne-Passions Playgound_Marsh [morris].jpg
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Slightly off topic, sorry Richard. Bill, that's a great shot! That's Speke, Liverpool Airport, so presumably taken not long before departure for the 'States in 1945. The old terminal building is now a theme hotel, as the runways have moved and a new complex erected as John Lennon International Airport.
Richard, are P51's in RAF service of interest? If so, I'll post the info I have.

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