Revell Junkers 88 A1 1:32scale

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So if I buy one, I'll get some wooden floor then, hmm? I guess that I'll have to buy it from your museum shop as well, right G? :lol: :lol:
you just might..hehe

quite a lot that is asking that question.. not sure if i have enough.. ;o) so you better hurry..hihi

but we dont have it for sale in our museum yet..we are working with revell on that :)

looking good 88 will post some more of mine when i make progress this thing called work keep getting in the way.BB
thanks.. getting some decals doen..lot more detials and decals to go but that is the fun part :)
underside is painted ( as it was when salvaged..half way finished and not yet completely painted so it looks kinda funny..but that is how it was when thrown into combat in 1940 ) :) the grey on the sides is the overpainted fabric codes ( stammkennzeichen )


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    29.1 KB · Views: 91 took some timebefore i got Revell to realize that it was a fact that it looked like this and they made the correct decals for the underside ( UO+TK instead of U4+TK ) :) and there is still certain historians that denies the fact that it looks like this..must be paint changing colours over the eyars in water and so on..even thoughtw e have analyzed the white paint at a lab and its white..hihi still they dont belive us :) as IT HAS TO BE BLUE..all books published after the war says so..and so on.. well..who cares..we know how it looks and how it looked when brought up after beeing preserved in aperfact timecapsule for 64 years :)

thanks heinz :) but since i dont have a univesity degree and have studied 1000 of books published after the war.. then in certain groups of people i dont know what i am talking about.. i only work with the real thing.. hehe

but its strange.. the He 111 was as blue as a clear summer sky underneath ( lay in the same depth and 15 meters from the 88 ) and the 88 was half blue and half white ( you see--white is not a documented ( in the books after the war ) colour used underneath on a Ju i am wrong. ) haha how stupid can some get.. 3 % of the luftwaffe archives if it doesent say in those 3 % it doesent exsist.. i wonder how certain people can be so stupid.. even when the real thing surfaces.. anyway..just for fun.. look at the pics below..see the tail wheel wheelbaydoors ( one can cleary see how they have started spraying the doors with blue..and also note the little pencilstrokes of blue.. its as it was painted yesterday..and NOT finished.. also note the halfpainted can see that they stopped.. also note the UO instead of U4..kinda funny.even with evidences like this some people still deny what we have ( the blue has turned white you see..i know paint..and so on ) even when we analyzed the white paint ( and there was no traces of blue pigments in it ) they think we are wrong.. well..i dont care much more about people like that.. if they had been serious they would have belived and learned something new about WW2 aircrafts :)

and also note the paintchip i saved from the He 111.. blue as the sky is why dident that turn white ?? hihi ..weeeeeeeeeeel..they might have given it a thicker layer of paint and it might be a stronger blue from another factory is the type of answers we get.. jezzzzzzzzzzzez.. hihi


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some progress on my 88 :)

i have painted all the overspraying like it is on the in the tail..where teh numbers are added..grey over the stammkennzeichen..and black over the "X" ( that you can evens ee on my picture on my post here when its sinking that its overpainted ..



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That looks soooo good 88 .Im going to mask up the splinter camo today that should be fun HeHe ive done the green so i am nearly there .BB
sounds good pics when done please :)
looking forward to see your model :) what version are you making ?
are you making the Kg 54 in the box ? if so i have some info for you :)

Hi 88 don,t quite know which version i will do yet and yes iwill post some pics when she is done .i don,t think mine will have the half painted look of the original but she is looking good i can,t believe how fast you have done yours you must have been burning the candle at both ends.HeHe .BB

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