Revell Junkers 88 A1 1:32scale

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Outstanding work G-Man....outstanding! As for the paint, I think that I'd side with you buddy and the guys at the museum...! I mean, you work with the real thing for crying out loud! I think that sometimes there are people that can't stand being proven wrong! They'd probably go on about it, in the same way, even if you'd find factory fresh '88 in a cave outside Trondheim, a '88 that hasn't seen the light of day for 69 years or so!
I agree with Lucky, Mr.G. Your model is superb, and it must be VERY frustrating having to deal with these people who think they know better, especially when you have the actual aircraft, and the scientific facts, to prove them wrong! As you say, just beacause the little documented evidence they have doesn't mention a particular thing, then they MUST be right!!
thanks for the comments :) and yes..its very very frustrating having to deal with certain people from cartan areas and countries that think they know it all and cant be proven wrong.. but that just proves that they dont know the more one learns about something the more one understand that the less he knows..and a open mind is always bad certain "historians" dont have that view on things.. anyway..itw as a fun build.. and went 88 i will do slower and add moer details that i really miss on the kit..wire some instruments and stuff :) and to tell the truth..i hardely looked at the user manual when i made it..i kinda know this kit ( and the original ) inside out..the only mistake about that was when i realized that the glass from the antenna in the bottom fuselage goes in from the inside..that i found out after i had glued the fuselage together..hihi so i should perhaps have looked more in the manual-- but ogh well.. i`ll get it in somehow..just some adapting :)
Guttorm, just a little question about the yellow tailband you speak about...

Below is a picture of my uncles 88, make in 1942 in the med.... (i have cut out the plane from the photo to enlarge it a little.) This is clearly a A1 or A5 . The bird shows the tailband and it´s darker than the "E" in the Stammkenzeichen, the white "Med-theater" band or the 4 on the fin... So i think it is painted in yellow and maybe a "relict" of the BOB???

I think you could well be right my friend, it could be yellow. By the way, judging from the look of the wingtips, I think that is an A1 version. Thanks for posting such an interesting pic.
Yep Terry.. As Guttorm sayed... there is a "large dark area" which needs to be "enlightened".. It looks like some planes are "jumped" from theater to theater and only the necessary markings were painted over and some old were still in place... let´s discover it :D
if thre was ayellow band that is new to me..i know about the red white and blue..but i have never heard that Kg 54 used a yellow !! but i might be wrong !!I know there has been some discussion in germany about this yellow band ( one some websites i have seen )
the Kg 54 we Ju 88 A5 salvbaged in 2000 has the same band but red.. but looking at the picture that just might be yellow :)
nice picture by the way and many A/C flew fro theathre to theathre with old markings.. I have seen pictures of a BF 109 with africa markings in serving in Norway and also 109`s with europamarkings in there was quite a mix..

but what staffel in KG 54 had yellow that is something that makes me curios if they used it..hehe
Very well done Guttorm, looks great........

....and the colour police....tell them to Nick off!

The diagonal stripe could well be yellow, a fair bit is in shadow yet it clearly 'changes' to a darker colour?.....Terry, further expert analysis....
The "colourchanging" may be a spot on the picture....
The original picture have the size of 6x9 cm so i´ve "blowed" it up by scanning.
Don´t think really that it have different colours...
I also have pictures on what the light areas have overpainted black for night-duties and with black "dots" on the underside....
Looking at the stripe i would say that it is yellow i think red would show up a lot darker in black and white photo,s if you get what i mean 88 .Thanks for the pics H .88 its a bit late to change the colour of the legs as they are now installed .danm might have to buy another one and risk divorce HeHe. BB

i looks to bright to be red..certanly not white and not blue :)
and dont get a divorce over a couple of legs..hehe
dont know wht but the guy with the colourchart in Revell dident answer my email during the making of this kit..the guy with decals was great to work with and all the others as well but never got any replies from him..maybe he dident get my mails ? looking forward to see some pics badbear :)
You will my freind i have just started to remove the masking looks good .you can see what i mean about the red and yellow if you go to hannants web site and look at the new aims decals for the 88 .BB
I think you will agree 88 she,s a bit darker than yours iv,e got to redo the underside (should have waited till i did the camo ) but thats not a problem i will post some more when i make more progress.BB
No pics BB!
I've studied the band on Hesekiel's pic, and I really do think it is yellow. I 'graded' the tones, using my old grey-scale comparator, and it falls in the right area. There is a very, very slight chance that it could be red, BUT, if it is, it's a very bright red! So, unless it is a very dirty white, or light toned blue, which is doubtful as the tones are too even, I do believe the band is yellow.
Can't prove it of course, but.....!

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