Revell Junkers 88 A1 1:32scale

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great..keep em comming..i have started on a second Ju 88 now..hehe

thought i would add more details and use more wood..where it was possible..also close up the bola hole..that is also on the original closed with wood..and i figured i would put the notsteuring ( emergencu grip ) in its position as if in use instead of putting it on the wall..


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also adding details in the the missing knepad and the Mg 15 drum holder..will add a few more details there but its not much more actually..just a couple more "pillows" ..
using original JU 88 wood on everything here


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Now the Ju 88A-1 1/32 scale is arrived and I am building it with some help from my friends in Norway who has recovered and restorate the U4+TK. The model is very fine and the parts fitting well. Only about the advised paintingsheme of the inner parts (wheelbase/gear) is a point of discussion.
Further comment to the kit is the following: the decalset is great accept there are no intrumentpanels. On this part I am realising this on my pc with by scanning photo's and working with MicroSoft Paint. It will take some time to finish this great model. So until next time. (Sorry for the English!) Bye, BadCat


now the paintscheme and the colours on undercarriage legs..lotfe bombsight and also several internal parts are wrong.. just let me know what you need to know and i will help you with the correct colours dont know why they ended up with such wrong colors..but the guy from revell that did that dident contact us..allthough teh rest of the kit and everything else has been a great co-operation with revell..there might just eb another 1:32 scale from our collection beeing made by revell..we are talking about it

anyway.. here is some pics from my building now..several details has yet to be added like the pilots eat leathercushin and other parts..i have made some "upgrades" on this kit.. but the colors used are the corret ones


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note the oxygenregulator on the right wall..the part is in the kit but its not in the user manual where it should go..i have added oxygen lines just as the original..and also some lines to the emergency handle activators ( between the seats..this is to manually lower legs or flaps ) the two red "dots" are handles that can be turned and to select what one needs to manually release

about the decals..i ordered mine from hannants..really lovely set
the reason why its not in the kit is that it was a mix up..the guy doing the decals thought it would be imprented instruments..and the guy making the panel was sure it would be decals.. but the kit was 6 months delayed so it was a rush in the end
its just a drytest so far, the fuselage is not glued together..need more details in the cockpit

tubing and stuff for the oxygen regulators..and more..hehe
MORE details in the cockpit?? Amazing work so far, I don't know how you guys have the patience, I always want to get the thing built as fast as i can so I can start painting!
i have now added the brake lines from the rudderpedals.. also added a lot of small red warninglabels..these i cut out from some old decals from another kit..and also added some on the its not easy to see on this picture but i did not use all my Mg 15 drums on the last build as that is going in the diorama and many were taken out before it i have many spare and can really fill this one up with drums in the bola and all the other places.. one on the sideconsol also ( not mentioned in the drawing but the bracket is there in the kit ).. and really top it with all the drums.... its not enough drums in one kit to fill out all the places..that is bad..

now i have not started with the canopy and the nose yet..need to add more details there also like the deicingtube and wires..

and previous built was just as you said..i just did not had the time..wanted it painted..hehe but thisone i have decided to go slow no matter how much i want it done.. lol

i have also added all the oxygen hoses to the crew from the oxygen regulators..


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