Revell Junkers 88 A1 1:32scale

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thanks for the comments guys any 88 builds in here soon ? looking forward to see more and the newbuild dora is awsome loved that now we just need to see it fly

When you are done, will you call that masterpiece "the 176"?

Thats 88 x2

Could also do "7744". That's 88 squared!
thanks and i dont think i will be so into math when naming this dio.. probably just B3+BM getting ready for action. summer 1940

or something like that..hehe
In the Chinese superstition, the #8 is a very lucky number, and there you have 4x 8, or 8by8by8by8.

Well, you already are a really lucky guy, so it must be true!

In cards, 4 of a kind is also a winning hand, no matter what the number.
Call it "A winning hand"? That is 2 pair of 8's?

Whatever, it deserves cover page on Model Pro mag!
well..i am norwegian and not chinese.. hehe
and in Norway the number 8 is just another number in the order of counting and so on.. and i dont play cards.. hehe

but anyway..thanks.
Hey Gutt just been on the Ju88 web sight thought i was seeing double but two 88s wow now thats some restoration job.BB
I`m back..hehe
got to have som holidays you updates on the model but some minor updates on the wing on the 88..will post pictures later..just done a tonn of riveting..hehe nice to know that you have missed me thanks
hi folks i was sitting here thinking..perhaps i should make a thread on the museum itself..and what is happeing there with different aircrafts..things like that--any interest on that ??

here is the 88 wing as it looks now.. gotten the main spar changed as one was burned out..lot of work.. but slowely progressing


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not much time lately..been doing some dios for the museum..the Ju 52 dio is comming along.. but the Nike dio had to be here is a few shoots from it
completet today by Major Glenne and me..a Nike Hercules missilesite in Norwar fireing a Nike rocket towards a incomming Bear from russia.. this is next to the Nike missile and is to display cold war tension..


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