Roy Rushing F6F 24 October 1944

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Dec 7, 2019
Hi all — I was looking into Roy Rushing's aircraft as McCampbell's wingman for the famous 24 October 1944 mission. I have no idea if he was in an F6F-3 or F6F-5 although I'm heavily leaning towards the latter based off all available info (ie. no VF-15 mixed sections of -3s and -5s). I also have no idea his BuNo, but I did find one painting (Ted Wilbur's "High-Side Attack over Leyte Gulf") that has Rushing flying a glossy sea blue F6F-5 tail number 14. Is there any other evidence of his aircraft that day or is #14 the best guess in this day and age with what's available?

Note: I also wonder if Rushing gave direct input to Wilbur for his fantastic painting.

Thanks in advance. I'll attach a close-up from Wilbur's piece showing Rushing in #14 to reference what I'm asking.


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