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Mar 30, 2009
Hi guys
im new to this forum
am an apprentice at Pay's Airservice's
going to learning to rebuild Merlins Alison etc looking for any old manuals or bits of Info about the Engines
would be very much Appreciated
There is a lot of info about on both these engine types.
It would help if you would list what material you already have so people are not duplicating your data base.
P.S. ALLISON is the correct spelling. Two L's, not one!
Thanks for the tip um currently i have very little i have an old manual on merlin 66 but nothing on the Allison, that is about it there is a fair bit at work but like my own source of info double check furhter my understanding
thanks guys
You can get a copy of Overhaul Manual for the V-1710 on CD for $US15 from weakforcepress.com in the US. This CD also contains the Operating Instructions so it is good value for money.
Perhaps you should also consider taking a course in writing and spelling the English language. It would appear that you have considerable difficulty with this, as do many young people.

Good luck.
Um Jerry, English does not a mechanic make, back to the topic at hand.

I'd recommend a copy of the book 'Vee's for Victory!'. As an overall insight into the Allison 1710 series and it's design, it cannot be beaten.

You won't be disappointed, I love my copy.
Jerry, ur yappin mouth telling people to take english classes and sh!t is now officially over... U are not the board police.... Keep ur snide wiseass comments to urself....

Indeed Jerry got it right for you should also take some classes in English since the garbling you wrote is not English, it is inferior language for the inferior people. Writing properly is common courtesy that apparently needs to be driven home with a blunt object.
Excuse me, but I think its time for you to sit in a corner with a dunce cap.

And I do hope my English meets your expectations!

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